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Pagan Parenting


Every website should have it's own central little theme, right?  Well, I'm trying.  There are so many out there that give the "basics" of paganism and The Craft...but, I really want to put together a listing of pagan parenting sites.  Somehow, I don't think it's going to just work out that way.  I am rather an eclectic sort, after all. 
But!  Just because you're pagan doesn't mean you parent any differently than Christians or Hindus or Taoists.  It's all in...The Child.
I absolutely adore our daughter.  she is beautiful, bright, compassionate -- well, as compassionate as a two-year-old can be.  she is bursting with life and curiosity -- and I have been in utter awe of the entire parenting experience.  Have you ever sat back and listened to the birds?  I mean really listen to them?  I think it's something we sometimes do appreciate.  Now....listen to the birds and imagine youa re hearing them for the very first time.  When Bridget was a tiny baby, that concept absolutely enthralled me...and it was the birthing and raising of my child that flung me far deep down my path again.


My husband and I didn't set out to decide how we would raise our daughter -- we just went with the flow with what felt natural to us...despite all our "advice givers".

From the start we shared a room with Bridget.  People, essentially, are pack animals (societal), and it just made sense to have her close to us.  She needed to feel safe and secure (how would you like to be a little thing alone in a room in the dark?).  We also carried her in a sling, held and cuddled her incessantly, and I nursed her on demand until she was almost two years old.  

We did have our share of "advice giving", though.  At 18-months people were telling (not asking) us that Bridget should be weaned of nursing.  We also endured the "she'll never sleep through the night unless she's in her own bed in her own room".  Our little SweetPea sleeps just fine, and it wouldn't have made a difference where she was.  and, lastly, the biggest hurdle we encountered was "you just need to let her cry and show her who's boss".  This was at 6-months, mind you.  Talk about pulling your hair out!

Thankfully we survived all the advice giving.

I'm not going to sit here and lecture...but our entire parenting style has worked.  she is just shy of two, and is a joy to have -- even when having her temper tantrums.  Please click into the links below to discover sites we feel are fabulous parenting links.  And it doesn't matter whether you are pagan or Christian.'s all in...The Child.

See my links pages for more.

Go to the following site if you want to find out how we parent.  We didn't even know this guy existed until our daughter was almost 6 months old!

Witchling and I
Year 2000